Gilberto Bonaga: Renewable energies between myths, reality and future prospects

2017-07-04T15:00:32+02:0015 May 2014|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , |

This year 20 The conference “Renewable Energy among myths” will be held in May, reality and future prospects" organized by the scientific dissemination association "Minerva". Dr.. Gilberto Bonaga parlerà di Energia Geotermica spiegandone i diversi aspetti ed utilizzi. Where does it come from?? How to extract it? What are its potentials? What problems does he have?? The opinion of Dr. Bonaga is clear on geothermal energy: "Non è la bacchetta magica che risolve tutti i problemi energetici dell'Italia, but it can make a notable contribution. We are fortunate to have a subsoil with enormous potential. If you work correctly, the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. Perchè non approfittare di [...]