Don't panic: the random motion of Tesla in space

2018-03-05T12:03:28+01:006 March 2018|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Elon Musk's recent stunt to launch a red Tesla Roadster towards Mars, complete with a pilot in an astronaut suit in the driver's seat, brought to light a technological theme initially developed in the 1960s, during the Apollo missions. We are talking about super-heavy launchers, i.e. those rockets that allow you to carry at least 50 tons of weight in low Earth orbit (between 160 and 2000 km of altitude). In astronautics they are called vectors (or launchers) those designed missiles, and used, to send a certain “payload” into space. Depending on the payload (payload in inglese) [...]

Exploration of the furthest space: liver problems

2017-07-12T17:10:36+02:003 May 2016|Categories: No Category|Tags: |

Analysis of the liver tissues of mice returned from space showed signs of damage and degeneration such as to make it necessary, at least, delve into the problem in humans before long-duration missions can be considered . The space outside our planet is not the ideal environment for terrestrial life, the main problem for animals brought on various space missions, in microgravity conditions, is the loss of muscle tissue and the brittleness of the bones which become prone to fractures similar to what happens, on earth, to very elderly individuals. The problem is also closely related [...]

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