
The collection of glass

2022-05-25T11:34:53+02:0025 May 2022|Categories: Curiosity|Tags: , , , , |

Glass is an amorphous material, that is, a liquid that undergoes solidification without however acquiring the ordered structure of the crystals, instead maintaining a disordered and rigid structure. Its discovery dates back to the Phoenicians who at the time understood that by combining sodium carbonate and silica sand, glass was obtained. In fact, in common parlance with glass we mean that material formed by calcium, soda and silicon which sees its application in different fields, such as the making of containers, part of the furniture (windows) or manufacture of decorative elements (objects and chandeliers). The different uses of glass are due [...]

Have you ever wondered if the tuna in your sushi is sustainable?

2022-05-22T13:16:54+02:0022 May 2022|Categories: Environment|Tags: , , , , , , |

Dear reader attracted by the irresistible memory of sushi, this article will not just talk about tuna, but it's still about you. The focus is in fact the environmental sustainability of what comes from the sea to our tables, what the British call "seafood": from swordfish to squid. The growing demand for seafood products globally, due to both the increase in the population and a change in eating habits, it represents a threat to the survival of many marine species and can have repercussions on the entire ecosystem. However, for those like me who can't resist a plate of mussels every now and then, come [...]

The impact of food on the environment: towards sustainable nutrition

2022-05-12T11:57:36+02:007 May 2022|Categories: Curiosity|Tags: , , , |

Environmental changes are hardly a mystery. It is increasingly evident how human activities are damaging everything around them.; from the soil to the air, to the water and every water channel. When it comes to pollution, factories are mainly blamed., waste or transport, but few think about food. Now you may wonder: "What does food have to do with the environment?" The answer is very simple: "What we eat is important not only for our health but also for the planet". The World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that current food production is [...]

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