
World Day of’ Alzheimer

2023-09-21T10:22:12+02:0021 September 2023|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , |

Alzheimer's Disease: Una Luce all'Orizzonte grazie alla Ricerca La malattia di Alzheimer è da tempo al centro dell'attenzione della comunità scientifica. Descritta per la prima volta più di un secolo fa, continua a rappresentare una delle sfide più complesse per la medicina moderna. Immaginate un meccanismo d'orologeria complicatissimo e capirete quanto sia difficile decifrare il puzzle dell'Alzheimer. Ogni ticchettio di quell'orologio rappresenta, Unfortunately, una persona che riceve questa diagnosi - si calcola infatti che una nuova persona venga colpita dalla malattia ogni tre secondi nel mondo. Con una popolazione mondiale che vive sempre più a lungo, le [...]

Where satiety is born?

2021-07-14T12:59:22+02:0013 July 2021|Categories: Food and Health|Tags: , , , |

The sense of satiety induces man not to eat continuously and puts a brake on his need, often excessive, of food. Hunger and satiety affect everyone's eating behavior, but what exactly do they depend on? Satiety is a signal triggered by the brain when it receives too much sugar. In fact, after a meal, when glucose levels momentarily rise, the signal reaches our brain, more precisely to astrocytes, the cells needed to support neurons. The astrocytes, at this point, they change shape and retract by activating some specific neurons of the hypothalamus, a structure of the central nervous system located in the [...]

The Sapiens brain: The Sapiens brain!

2022-02-10T19:13:21+01:006 February 2018|Categories: Medicine and Research, No Category|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The Sapiens brain, The Sapiens brain. The Sapiens brain, The Sapiens brain, The Sapiens brain, The Sapiens brain. The Sapiens brain (The Sapiens brain) of specimens of various species of Homo: The Sapiens brain, indeed, The Sapiens brain [Note 1], and therefore indirectly deduce behavioral traits e [...]

Interlocutors on the same “wavelength”: brain synchronization between speaker and listener

2019-06-27T17:21:51+02:0030 January 2018|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Author, Author, Author; Author, Author, Author. Author, Author, Author, who had to take turns talking and listening in the absence of eye contact, Author. The study is part of a theoretical and methodological paradigm called "two-person neuroscience", where the study unit are two interacting participants, and not a single, isolated one running a [...]

From birds to bats: new animal models for the genetics of language

2021-03-14T13:00:57+01:0017 January 2017|Categories: Nature|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Human language is still today one of the most complex aspects of cognition to study and understand. What are the biological bases that allow a child to acquire at least one language only by being exposed to it? When did this ability emerge in the human species? Which genes and molecular processes are involved? How the competence of a language is implemented at the neural level? These are some of the questions that linguists have, psychologists, biology, paleoanthropologists and neuroscientists have been asking themselves for at least half a century [1]. In the second half of the 90s in some members of a British family, the so-called "KE family", one was identified [...]

The mask of health: neurological changes in psychopathic individuals

2017-07-12T17:20:40+02:0010 March 2016|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , |

What is a psychopath? Although Hollywood and numerous novels have helped to create an image of such individuals familiar to the general public, the answer to this question requires in-depth knowledge that is free from the stereotypical perception of the topic. Far from being a generic term used to indicate any mental illness, psychopathy, often diagnosed as antisocial personality disorder, it is in fact defined by many experts as a disorder characterized by peculiar pathological manifestations. Although there are several schools of thought, these scholars report that in the psychopath there are in fact three precise central nuclei that allow their identification: the empathic deficit, hypertrophic cognition e [...]

The effects of music on the brain

2021-07-13T21:24:49+02:0016 February 2016|Categories: Curiosity|Tags: , , |

The world is full of great musicians suffering from pathologies that have not stopped them from becoming "i geni" undisputed in the history of music. Just think of Schumann and his "streak of madness" later classified as "schizophrenia", Beethoven and his early deafness, Mozart and the "Tourette Syndrome" which he was probably suffering from which causes tics, high-pitched sounds and loss of speech control, Petrucciani died in 1999 of "osteogenesis imperfecta" or "crystal bone syndrome" and Ezio Bosso suffering from "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" or ALS, a neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons. Despite the serious [...]

The waves of the mind

2017-07-12T17:33:41+02:0017 January 2016|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Recent research has shown for the first time the possibility for neurons to influence each other at a distance by means of their weak electric field. This mode of transmission can occur both in a physiological way, in the propagation of theta waves of the REM phase, than in a pathological condition in the spread of epileptic seizures. […]

Sleeping to heal

2017-07-12T17:30:25+02:0027 December 2015|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , , , |

A drug already approved and used to treat insomnia: lo Zolpidem, has been shown to facilitate healing after a stroke. The sleeping pill does not reduce the severity of the affected area, it helps her to heal, but it stimulates surrounding healthy tissues to reorganize to compensate for the functions performed by the damaged part of the brain. […]

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