
The effectiveness of the sugar tax in the United Kingdom

2024-07-26T21:16:14+02:0026 July 2024|Categories: Food and Health|Tags: , , |

Una percentuale di zuccheri troppo elevata nella dieta è associata ad una vasta gamma di problemi di salute come obesità, type diabetes 2, carie dentali, malattie delle coronarie e altro ancora. Secondo l'OMS la percentuale di energia derivante dagli zuccheri dovrebbe arrivare al massimo al 10% o al 5% se si vogliono avere ulteriori benefici per la salute. In particolare ci si riferisce ai cosiddetti Free Sugars. Essi comprendono gli zuccheri (monosaccaridi e disaccaridi) raffinati aggiunti durante la preparazione dei cibi, per esempio biscotti, yogurt, chocolate, cereali e bibite. Si parla degli zuccheri aggiunti ma non solo. Sono free [...]

World Food Day: Water is Life. Water is Food. Leave no one behind.

2023-10-14T16:46:47+02:0014 October 2023|Categories: Food and Health|Tags: , , |

This year 16 October is World Food Day, an annual event organized by the UN to talk about food, food security and to urge interventions for those suffering from hunger and lack of food. For the occasion, the theme chosen by the UN is the link between water and food, in fact this year's motto is: “L’acqua è vita. Water nourishes us. Non lasciare nessuno indietro”. It seems almost obvious to say that water is the main resource for living beings and for the planet, considered the white gold of the Earth, but what does this mean if we wanted to translate it into numbers? Of the 70% [...]

The impact of food on the environment: towards sustainable nutrition

2022-05-12T11:57:36+02:007 May 2022|Categories: Curiosity|Tags: , , , |

Environmental changes are hardly a mystery. It is increasingly evident how human activities are damaging everything around them.; from the soil to the air, to the water and every water channel. When it comes to pollution, factories are mainly blamed., waste or transport, but few think about food. Now you may wonder: "What does food have to do with the environment?" The answer is very simple: "What we eat is important not only for our health but also for the planet". The World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that current food production is [...]

You would never eat a cobalt atom?

2021-07-14T17:23:38+02:0021 February 2021|Categories: Food and Health|Tags: , , , |

We hear and read around a lot of confusion on a hotly debated topic; doubts about what we eat, we ingest, we drink or inject, they have always been there. Often these are legitimate doubts, but in some cases they are more than anything else dictated by the lack of understanding that one has of the magical world of biochemistry. In what we eat, in what we drink, sometimes even in what they inject us to cure us or administer to make us stronger against disease, there are inorganic elements, often metals. These iron atoms, Chrome, Selenium, Cobalt, Nickel, etc. [...]

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