Ozzano dell’Emilia 16 of October 2015 ore 11.00, Cugnini classDepartment of Veterinary Medicine (DIMEVET), Via Tolara di Sopra, 50 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO)

Minerva in collaboration with Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bologna (DIMEVET) , on the occasion of’European Biotech Week 2015, organize the meeting FOLLOW THE TRACK: DNA barcoding. The meeting is open and aimed at students of scientific faculties.



Ore 11.00 Introduction
Si Hui Elisa Chen, President of Minerva.

Ore 11.15 Wildlife DNA forensics against crime: resolution of a case of tortoise theft.
Nadia Mucci, Institute for environmental protection and research ISPRA

Ore 11.45 Evaluation of avian influenza virus persistence in natural and anthropic ecosystems.
Mauro Delogu, DIMEVET Department of Veterinary Medicine

Ore 12.15 Confrontation with the public

Link to register for the event: https://eventi.unibo.it/biotecnologie-animali-ebw2015