Medicine and Research

medicine and research in biology. how DNA works, proteins, vascular system, but also new treatments and medical research. Biomedical lab stuff


2024-09-06T22:06:18+02:006 September 2024|Categories: Medicine and Research|

A DANGEROUS FALLACY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH "What do you do with a vaccine if you are healthy? Your immune system is strong and will protect you" This is one of the arguments often put forward by anti-vaccinationists. The reasoning starts from the fact that a healthy person has a strong immune system that will protect him, e una volta guarito avrà sviluppato un'immunità naturale all'infezione. Quest'ultima renderebbe quindi inutile il vaccino. It might seem like a sensible discussion but in reality it is not, and presents several fallacies. Let's take a step back and try to understand why. Per prima cosa vediamo [...]

Sport, variations in sex development and equality of opportunities

2024-08-07T12:41:06+02:007 August 2024|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , , |

Sport, variations in sex development and equality of opportunities: cosa possiamo imparare dal caso Khelif Caso Imane Khelif e Angela Carini. From the ring the fight has already become news and the debate immediately heated up, both on social media but not only. Let's clarify. Minerva interviewed professor and bioethicist Silvia Camporesi, Professor of Sports Integrity and Ethics all’Università di KU Leuven in Belgio, she is part of the Ethics External Advisory Board of WADA and is the author of “Partire (s)advantaged: corpi bionici e atleti geneticamente modificati” per Fandango (2023). Prof.ssa, qual è la differenza dal punto di vista biologico tra [...]

H5N1: The recent spread of avian influenza in mammals and the pandemic risk

2024-07-26T20:50:08+02:0017 June 2024|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , , |

Avian flu (H5N1), as the name suggests, finds its main natural reservoir in birds, in particular coastal and aquatic birds. This distance from us made it a rare danger to humans, from the 2003 to 1 April 2024 in fact there have been 889 cases in the world e 463 casualties (lethality of 52% then!) [1]. In recent times, however, its spread among mammals has raised the level of alarm and concerns have grown regarding human health and even the risk of a pandemic.. In 2022 il virus è arrivato in Sud America e [...]

Allergies: a mystery to our immune system

2024-03-20T11:54:25+01:0020 March 2024|Categories: Medicine and Research, No Category|Tags: , , |

Hai mai sentito parlare delle allergie? Probabilmente ti sono già molto familiari se hai a che fare con starnuti e occhi arrossati durante la stagione dei pollini, o se hai imparato a gestire le reazioni ai cibi che ami ma che il tuo corpo respinge. Queste reazioni, un po’ esagerate, sono dei piccoli errori che il nostro corpo fa quando cerca di proteggerci dagli invasori cattivi ma si confonde e attacca cose che non dovrebbe. Immagina che il tuo corpo sia un castello e il sistema immunitario sia il tuo esercito che lo protegge dagli invasori. Now, ogni tanto, [...]

Mitochondrial replacement therapy: what it's about, and why it's nothing new.

2024-07-26T23:10:15+02:001 March 2024|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Mitochondrial replacement therapy (mitochondrial replacement therapy, or MRT) is an innovative reproductive technology aimed at preventing the transmission of mitochondrial diseases from mother to child. Mitochondria are organelles contained within our cells that produce energy. They contain 37 stamina cells, less than 0,1 % of the genetic material of our species, the vast majority of which is found within the nucleus of our cells. How MRT works When mutations occur in mitochondrial DNA, these can lead to the inheritance of serious neurodegenerative diseases, currently without treatment, which mainly affect tissues with high energy expenditure, like heart, [...]

World Day of’ Alzheimer

2023-09-21T10:22:12+02:0021 September 2023|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , |

Alzheimer's Disease: Una Luce all'Orizzonte grazie alla Ricerca La malattia di Alzheimer è da tempo al centro dell'attenzione della comunità scientifica. Descritta per la prima volta più di un secolo fa, continua a rappresentare una delle sfide più complesse per la medicina moderna. Immaginate un meccanismo d'orologeria complicatissimo e capirete quanto sia difficile decifrare il puzzle dell'Alzheimer. Ogni ticchettio di quell'orologio rappresenta, Unfortunately, una persona che riceve questa diagnosi - si calcola infatti che una nuova persona venga colpita dalla malattia ogni tre secondi nel mondo. Con una popolazione mondiale che vive sempre più a lungo, le [...]

World Brain Day 2023: “Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind”

2024-07-26T23:11:57+02:0021 July 2023|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , , |

World Brain Day, il World Brain Day, which is celebrated today 22 July, è promossa annualmente dalla World Federation of Neurology (WFN), the World Federation of Neurology, with the aim of raising awareness among the world population on mental health issues and increasing global awareness of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. La visione del WFN è di portare i concetti di necessità di cure e servizi, diritto alla salute del cervello per tutta la durata della vita e riduzione dello stigma intorno alla disabilità. When it comes to brain health, we cannot leave anyone behind. [...]

The Exosomes: message bombs between cells

2023-06-27T10:32:30+02:0027 June 2023|Categories: Medicine and Research|

Exosomes are a recently discovered mode of cellular communication. Initially mistaken for scraps, could prove to be a promising tool for diagnosis and therapy. We are used to thinking of our body as a single machine, forgetting that it is instead made up of many parts. Each organ is made up of different tissues and many cells. However, the number of bacteria in our body exceeds that of our cells. And this makes us doubt that we might not be made of dreams but of bacteria. All these parts must communicate with each other to work. Just like in a car. [...]

The use of plants by prehistoric men: help from sediment palaeogenetics

2024-07-26T23:13:48+02:0016 June 2023|Categories: Curiosity, Medicine and Research, Nature, Technology|Tags: , , |

Le nostre attuali conoscenze sull'utilizzo delle piante da parte della nostra specie durante il Paleolitico (2,5 mln - 12000 Years ago) are documented thanks to fragments of plants, phytoliths and microfossils, as well as biomarkers from food preparation tools and dental calculus, but are quite limited due to the poor preservation of identifiable plant remains and the lack of adequate methods for their detection and identification. However, uno studio internazionale abbastanza recente ci mostra come, grazie all'analisi del DNA conservato nei sedimenti delle grotte (ambienti unici in cui l'effetto completo degli elementi sui materiali [...]

Resistance to antibiotics: gallium for cystic fibrosis

2023-04-16T16:13:33+02:0016 April 2023|Categories: Medicine and Research|Tags: , , , |

Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un notevole aumento di batteri resistenti agli antibiotici che ha reso inefficaci molte terapie e, Consequently, the treatment of various pathologies caused by bacterial infections. According to the World Health Organization (OMS) every year 700 mila persone nel mondo muoiono a causa di un’infezione dovuta a batteri resistenti agli antibiotici e di queste circa 10 thousand in Italy. Uno dei motivi principali che ha scatenato questa resistenza è l’abuso di antibiotici, in fact it is thought that there could be a further increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to the COVID-19 pandemic, per il largo utilizzo di [...]

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