
About Irene Griffoni

Study Information, media culture and organization at the University of Bologna. Passionate about cinema and scientific dissemination, for Minerva she edits the column #CiakDiScienza, which unites these two interests of his.

Euclid's journey begins, the ESA mission that will study dark matter and energy

2023-12-11T14:27:35+01:0011 December 2023|Categories: Earth and Sky|Tags: , , |

Il telescopio spaziale dell’ESA è decollato con successo il primo luglio su un razzo Falcon 9 di SpaceX dalla Space Force Station in Florida. La missione ha uno scopo ambizioso e senza precedenti: scoprire la natura delle due componenti più misteriose del nostro universo, la materia oscura e l’energia oscura. Lo strumento dovrà esaminare un miliardo di galassie e mappare gli ultimi dieci miliardi di anni di storia cosmica su più di un terzo del cielo, per provare a risolvere il più grande enigma della cosmologia e rispondere alla domanda fondamentale: di cosa è fatto l’universo? “L’obiettivo primario della [...]

Ex Machina: artificial intelligence, ego and paranoia

2023-06-15T16:49:43+02:0014 June 2023|Categories: Curiosity, Technology|Tags: , , |

“Erasing the boundary between man and machine means blurring the boundary between men and gods”. The tagline of Ex Machina is clear: what we are about to witness is not just any film about cyborgs or artificial intelligence, but a profound and disturbing reflection on the ethics of creation, on the meaning of conscience, and what the future development of these AIs could be, and what implications and consequences might arise from this. In the movie Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson), programmer, wins the opportunity to take on a secret project for a week with Nathan (Oscar Isaac), owner and creator of the software company for which Caleb [...]

Drought: between fiction and sad reality

2023-06-10T17:04:44+02:0027 April 2023|Categories: Environment, Curiosity, Nature|Tags: , , |

"Day 367 of the water crisis in Rome”: It's now been three years since it rained on the capital and, like the sepia background of an exhausted city, even the people who populate it are now drained and enraged. Running water is a luxury of the past, the streets and houses are swarming with cockroaches, the Tiber is completely dry. The emergency situation forced the city to change its rhythms and habits: Water rations are imposed per capita and it is forbidden to attempt to purchase more than is permitted; any type of waste is prohibited, how to wash it [...]

Gattaca and the dangers of eugenics

2023-04-30T10:08:21+02:007 March 2023|Categories: Curiosity|Tags: , , , |

The world in Gattaca (1997) is immersed in a dystopia based on genetic determinism. Set in “near future”, the film analyzes themes of eugenics and genetic engineering, and the ethical implications of using these technologies to manipulate human biology. In the movie, human embryos are selected through in vitro fertilization and modified before conception of the fetus to ensure the best genes, and therefore the birth of the best possible individuals. This technological development has led to a new form of discrimination, that based on genes: indeed, the genetic makeup of individuals is the only determinant [...]

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