
About Francis Nucera

Physicist with research curriculum in Photochemistry and Bioinorganics. He is registered with the National Order of Chemists and Physicists. He is a member of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI). He collaborated with the Institute of Functional Genomics of the CNR. He has participated in many scientific research internships. He attended the PhD in Chemistry-Physics at the University of Perugia. His research area was the chemical-physical characterization of photosensitive molecules and their interaction with biopolymers for applications in the biomedical field and in chemical artificial intelligence. For many years he played the role of tutor and teacher of Chemistry for the Medical-Health Faculties. He obtained the qualification to teach Chemical Sciences and Technologies at the University of Milan. He participates as a speaker and disseminator in conferences and congresses in Italy and abroad. Writer of chemistry and popular science books. He is the author and writer of the blog “Pills of chemistry”.

Molecules and masks – The chemistry of superheroes: Batman

2024-05-20T14:06:22+02:0020 May 2024|Categories: Chemistry and Physics, Curiosity, Technology|Tags: , , |

When we think about science fiction films, we are often struck by the most evocative scenes full of special effects. We've all worn a cape or mask of our favorite superheroes. And you are Marvel or DC team? This article will be the first in a series that will explore the world of superhero comics and movies from a scientific perspective. We will discover together how much science, and above all how much about chemistry, hides behind this fascinating universe. ALLA RICERCA DEI POTERI REALI Da decenni, superheroes have fascinated millions of people around the world. Through comics, film [...]

The graphene revolution.

2023-06-21T09:52:41+02:0012 June 2023|Categories: Chemistry and Physics, Technology|Tags: , , |

Chemistry is a subject that always amazes. In fact, today we will talk about a material with surprising properties: graphene. In the last decades, graphene has established itself as one of the most promising materials in materials science. In this article, we will explore the revolution of this compound and how it is changing the world. WHAT IS MEANT BY CARBON CHEMISTRY? In chemistry it is essential to know the spatial structure of a compound, because from it we can have important information regarding its function and macroscopic characteristics. Especially interesting from a structural point of view is the [...]

Platinum: the precious metal that protects the environment and fights cancer

2023-05-12T13:13:57+02:0012 May 2023|Categories: Chemistry and Physics|Tags: , , , |

Everyone at least once in their life has heard of platinum, ad esempio nel campo dell'oreficeria e gioielleria, but not everyone knows the many applications that can revolve around this element, da quelle antitumorali a quelle a favore per l'ambiente. Before discovering them better, let's get to know this element more closely! Platinum is a chemical element with symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It belongs to the platinum group elements series (group 10) of the periodic table of elements and is one of the rarest and most precious metals in the world. Il platino è noto oggi per la [...]

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