
About Francesco Marino

Summary of the EN standard (2013), Summary of the EN standard (Summary of the EN standard), agricultural (Summary of the EN standard, Summary of the EN standard), automotive (Summary of the EN standard), Summary of the EN standard & Summary of the EN standard (Summary of the EN standard). Summary of the EN standard. Summary of the EN standard (Summary of the EN standard) Summary of the EN standard 2014; Summary of the EN standard, subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief (2015), speaker ("subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief", "subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief", "subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief", "subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief: subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief), subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief (2016), subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief (2017) subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief. subsequently with the roles of editor-in-chief, at Cinema, to literature, to comics, to other associative activities e, occasionally, to sleep.

5G explained by those who work there

2021-07-14T13:19:24+02:0010 July 2019|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , |

Lately we have been talking about 5G, with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature, with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature. with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature. with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature, with our editor Francesco Marino, with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature. with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature (with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles in the fields of Applied Electromagnetics, with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature) and the Researcher Marina Barbiroli (with an ever-growing interest on the part of citizens to know nature, planning criteria [...]

At robot school: how a passion is born

2019-06-27T18:47:22+02:005 November 2018|Categories: No Category|

Siamo felici di essere entrati in contatto con Valeria Cagnina: maker, blogger e giovanissima insegnante di robotica. [Domandando a Valeria] Ti descrivi anche come “un Whynotter, non uno Yesbutter”, cosa intendi con queste due espressioni? Il mio motto è “Sono un Whynotter e non un Yesbutter”, ossia sono un ‘perché no?’ e non un ‘si, ma…’. Mi piace sempre interrogarmi, farmi domande e soprattutto perché non mi faccio fermare da un semplice no o da quelle classiche affermazione fatte dai grandi “è così e basta!” oppure ‘sei troppo piccola’. Mi piace sempre analizzare ogni situazione, per trarne il meglio [...]

Plastics and Bioplastics: Plastics and Bioplastics!

2022-02-10T19:14:48+01:005 January 2018|Categories: Chemistry and Physics|Tags: , , , |

of S. of S. of S, biodegradable 2018, biodegradable. biodegradable, dell'impatto ambientale, biodegradable. La plastica La plastica è un materiale organico costituito da lunghe catene (dette polimeri) biodegradable, biodegradable. biodegradable, biodegradable. Se prendiamo in considerazione i discussi e ormai scomparsi sacchetti di plastica sottile tipici [...]

Cell phones and radiation, real and non-real risks

2019-07-10T22:15:44+02:0018 May 2017|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , , |

We often talk about electromagnetic waves from mobile phones and the health risks associated with them: what is proven and what is unfounded? Cell phones, as well as other wireless technologies, their operation is based on the passage of information between a transmitting and receiving antenna (possibly capable of being alternated to manage two-way communication): the information is encoded by acting on the change in the characteristics of the electromagnetic waves (such as amplitude modulation, frequency or phase) which are propagated by the transmitting antenna and "read" by the receiving one. Electromagnetic fields or radiation are a phenomenon that [...]

Solar Impulse: Flying with solar energy

2019-06-27T18:48:21+02:005 May 2016|Categories: No Category|Tags: , , , , |

Riparte la sfida di Solar Impulse, il velivolo rivestito di celle solari nato per portare un messaggio: la possibilità di ridurre le emissioni nei trasporti rinunciando ai combustibili fossili. L’aereo, realizzato in Svizzera, dalla sua presentazione nel 2009, ha conseguito una serie di obiettivi sempre più ambiziosi, dalla trasvolata della Svizzera, all’attraversamento degli USA fino alla circumnavigazione della Terra, attualmente in corso. […]

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